5 Couples Who’ve Mastered the Art of Long-Lasting Marriages - Kabbalist Reacts

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman reacts to stories of 5 couples who’ve mastered the art of long-lasting marriages, each sharing their secrets to a happy union. Charles and Anne, happily married for 57 years, emphasize the importance of dividing responsibilities. According to them, a smooth partnership involves understanding each other’s roles and sticking to them. Charles is firm that encroaching on these roles is a big no. Another couple, Mary and Charles, both in their 90s and married for 66 years, stress the significance of discussing a joint future and having common interests. They believe in a shared future where “us“ takes precedence over individual pursuits. Whether it’s spending time with family or taking a leisurely stroll, they find joy in their shared experiences. John and Doreen, celebrating 61 years of marriage, highlight the need for a similar sense of humor. They argue that humor runs deep within a person, setting them apart from animals. For them, sharing th
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