General de Gaulle tours Central Africa (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Footage of General Charles de Gaulle in Central Africa Full Description: Abidhan: LV arrival of de Gaulle in Abidhan. LV De Gaulle takes salute. GV crowd and native band. SV de Gaulle inspects French troops. LV ditto. SV natives applaud. Crowd scene. LV crowd scene.. LB de Gaulle saluting. BV ditto. Brazzaville, Africa: SCU de Gaulle in plane. AERIAL Brazzaville. AERIAL Brazzaville aerodrome. LV de Gaulle leaves car. SV de Gaulle inspects officers. SCU natives present arms pan to de Gaulle. SV de Gaulle shakes hands of Allied officer. SV de Gaulle inspects parade. CU de Gaulle saluting. FV ditto. CU Governor General Eboue. CU Father de Brosse. CU Colonel Bizien and Governor Latrelle. LV from spectators to parade. Pan de Gaulle in Colonial assembly and speaks with somebody. CU talking to somebody. CU somebody. CU belgian officer and woma
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