Alec Lightwood | What about Alec’s happiness?

Vidding Alec is always really difficult for me. Alec is one of my favorite character ever and i’m always afraid to represent him in a bad way. Alec Lightwood is a complex character. Alec is so many things: a brother, a devoted son and a loyal friend. He has always put the others than himself. He is always sacrificed for the greater good and he has always felt inferior and not good enough. But somebody have ever considered his own happiness? This video show this. At least, i’ve tried. When someone asks me to talk about Alec always come to mind these beautiful words by Cassandra Clare. ’’If Jace was gold, catching the light and the attention, Alec was silver: so used to everyone else looking at Jace that that was where he looked too, so used to living in Jace’s shadow that he didn’t expect to be seen. Maybe it was enough to be the first person to tell Alec that he was worth being seen ahead of anyone in a room, and of being looked at longest. And silver, though few people knew it, was a rarer metal than
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