Young Germany (1945)

Full title reads: “YOUNG GERMANY - Narration by the Rt. Hon. Ellen Wilkinson - Minister of Education“. Germany. RE-EDUCATION OF GERMAN CHILDREN Long shot of Hitler Youths in uniforms marching from barracks. Young Nazi being interrogated by American soldiers (natural sound). The young Nazi explains that he was only taught foot drill. More shots of young Germans marching. German children being medically examined. Food being poured from boilers into buckets. Large number of children running with utensils in hands. Children being issued with food. Children seated on ground eating food. Teachers and children in open air classroom. Children being issued and reading new text books. Various shots of the German school being repaired by the children. Several shots of Ellen Wilkinson in German classroom talking to children. Children at sports meeting - relay racing. Young girls play ’ring o ring o roses’. FIRST MEETING OF WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL Long shot of the German court building in Berlin where the first meeting of the War Crime Tribunal is taking place. Britain’s Chancellor, Lord Jowitt and Mr McCaskie on steps of Berlin courthouse. Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and Mr Justice Birkett arriving to war crimes tribunal meeting in car. Sir David Maxwell Fyffe. Sir Hartley Shawcross. The first meeting of the War Crimes Tribunal in Berlin - several shots of the men seated around table talking. FILM ID:1153.2 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
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