Fuego Volcano Update; Large Eruption Occurs, Evacuations Triggered

The Fuego volcano in Guatemala just produced its largest eruption in 5 years, sending a sustained plume of ash more than 6,000 meters into the sky for more than 6 hours straight. This caused ash to fall over a wide area, while also creating pyroclastic flows. Yet, another possible danger remains despite the paroxysm being over; lahars. What had just occurred was a paroxysm of the Fuego volcano. Thumbnail Photo Credit: This work “FuegoEruption7“, is a derivative of a photo (resized, cropped, text overlay, GeologyHub made graphics overlay (the border and the GeologyHub logo)) from “Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupts, killing at least 25“, by: Marco Verch Professional Photographer, 2015, Posted on Flickr, Flickr account link: @N08/, Photo link: @N08/42556214411/, CC BY 2.0. “FuegoEruption7“ is used & licensed under CC BY 2.0 by If you would like to support this cha
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