The Truth Behind Mr. Miles Guo’s Interview with HBO Vice

关于郭文贵先生接受HBO Vice采访的背后真相 HBO VICE’s DELIBERATE LIES AFTER UNPROFESSIONAL, DECEPTIVE EDITING 00:00 -Who is Mr. Miles Guo? Mr. Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China and the Whistleblower Movement, has revealed the evil plans of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to become world hegemony over the past 4 years. He has warned the world multiple times that the darkness has arrived. With his intelligent information and his 30-year knowledge of the CCP, so far, all his revelations have been proven and testified to be true. 片头:新中国联邦创始人郭先生带领的爆料革命向西方世界揭露中共CCP的邪恶并多次发出警告,最终得到验证,展示了新中国联邦和郭先生的真实实力。 12:17- Isobel Yeung, the host of the interview - her background and connection with the CCP HBO采访郭先生的记者ISOBEL YEUNG的背景及其亲共证明。 MILES REBUTTAL ON HBO-VICE’s INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (Here Is the Entire Uncut Interview) 16:16 - HBO’s discredit Mr. Guo for his large-scale followers 反击HBO诋毁郭先生进行大规模个人崇拜。 18:04 -HBO’s defamation of Mr. Guo for the use of huge media platforms to spread facts 反击HBO诋毁郭先生利用巨大媒体平台散播谎言。 27:28 -H
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