Συρία 12 9 2018 ΗΠΑ θέλουν να διατηρήσουν μια βάση στο τριεθνές Συρίας, Ιράκ, Ιορδανίας

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – SEPTEMBER 12, 2018: MILITANTS FILMING STAGED CHEMICAL ATTACK IN IDLIB On September 11, the US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that the SDF is kicking off a military operation to eliminate the ISIS-held pocket of Hajin in the Euphrates Valley. According to a coalition spokesman, the SDF ground advance will be backed up by coalition air and artillery strikes. Hajin and nearby villages are the only remaining major ISIS stronghold in Syria, which the terrorist group actively uses to carry out attacks on the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates. Previously, the SDF repeatedly announced that it’s going to clear the pocket. However, by September 11, no real efforts had been taken in this field. If the Hajin pocket is seized by the SDF, the US-backed fore will finally be able to declare the eastern bank of the Euphrates free from ISIS.
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