Hitting an Unbelievable Jackpot Buried Under a Vacant Lot for 120 Years

Tom Askjem excavates the privy at the former site of the Cottage House, a hotel and boarding house in Cherryvale, Kansas. Here the link to our Patreon: We thank anyone who signs up to help us out. Follow us on BOTH Facebook pages Below the Plains: Tom Askjem: Follow us on Tiktok @belowtheplains #antiques #mudlarking #archeology #bottledigging #antiquebottles #bottles #dumpdigging #privydigging #southdakota #treasurehunting #oldbottles #metaldetecting #ghosttown #northdakota #vintage #vintagebottles #abandoned #old #stagecoach #adventure #mudlarker #mudlark #wildwestgold #wildwest #buried #buriedtreasure
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