Menander & Story of ’Milinda Panha’ | Episode 5 History of Post-Mauryan India: The Indo-Greek Empire

Support us on Demetrius entered India in around 180 BCE, and soon the Greeks had possession of North India, right up to the Ganges! Menander I, probably the most important Emperor of the Indo-Greek Empire, found his place in the Indian Buddhist literature through ’Milinda Panha’ or ’Milinda Prashna’ (The Questions of Milinda). Milinda is the Indianized name of Menander. The text is elaborate with dialogue Menander has with Nagasena, a prodigious Buddhist Monk that Menander comes across while looking for a master who could dispel his doubts related to Spirituality, life, and death, nature of Mind, etc. On the first day of the debate, Nagasena answers all of Menander’s questions to Menander’s satisfaction. This makes the Emperor take interest in the knowledge of Buddhism. He is so impressed and intrigued towards the faith, that the next day’s debate revolves more closely around Buddhism, buddha, and things related to the sch
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