Adam & 16 fuzz pedals

Adam using the same Jaguar and Twin (this time on the neck pick-up) has a go at the fuzz armada. It’s so difficult to compare pedals online because each demo is recorded in a different room with a different amp, mic placement, guitar, etc. How do you tell when you’re hearing a difference between pedals - not a difference between recordings? Or a difference between players? That’s why we started the Stompbox Sonic pedal tasting events where people can come by and hang out, try out a bunch of pedals, and shoot the with other musicains. For those who can’t make it to one, we’re doing a series of pedal videos which aim to take a bit of the guesswork out of those comparisons. This one is a quick and dirty shootout of a bunch of fuzz boxes. It’s not meant to be a definitive comparison. There’s not any knob fiddling - just one riff with a quick on and off of each of the pedals (and a switch between modes for the two mode pedals). I find that most fuzzes have a basic c
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