Inside Russian troops’ underground city in special op zone

Inside Russian troops’ underground city in special op zone ▪️ The protected underground facility, built by personnel from the Dnepr Group of Forces in a frontline area in Kherson region, consists of a massive tunnel network over 3 km long and some 3 meters underground. ▪️ Along with defensive features, the facility includes lighting, heating, living quarters, a kitchen, laundry and clothing drying room, clothing repair shop, gym complete with weights, dumbbells, barbells, and bunching bags, Russian sauna, barbershop, and other conveniences. ▪️ A cat keeps troops company and keeps a lookout for rats. ▪️ The “underground city’s” main purpose is “to protect personnel from artillery shells, shrapnel, and copter-dropped bombs,” the clothing supply officer, call sign ‘Lis’ (lit. ‘Fox’) told a Sputnik correspondent touring the facility. “All the dugouts where our personnel live are covered with slabs used on airfields and earthen embankments covering them,” the soldier explained. ▪️ The bunker network’s kitchen serves hearty meals ranging from pea soup and canned meat to buckwheat porridge, pasta and borsht. “The guys are happy” with the cooking, the regiment’s head cook said. “Basically, they say it’s like being at home.“ Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Источник: Sputnik International
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