Английский язык 11 класс (Урок№37 - Languages of the British Isles.)

Английский язык 11 класс Урок№37 - Languages of the British Isles. We’ll discuss the languages of the British Isles We’ll know the difference among the languages of the British Isles We’ll learn some historical facts about the languages of the British Isles We’ll use the new words in your own speech There are different Indo-European languages spoken in the British Isles. English is a Germanic language and began to develop in the 5th century AD when Anglo-Saxon tribes invaded Britain. The other languages are Celtic. They are Welsh, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Manx Gaelic and Cornish. The historic native tongue of most of Britain was Brythonic. A direct descendant of Brythonic is Cornish. Nowadays around 300 people speak it fluently. Modern Welsh is spoken by roughly 20% of the population in Wales. A third of the population of Ireland overall speak Irish Gaelic and the majority of the population speak English. Scottish Gaelic is spoken primarily in the Highlands and in the Western Isles. Manx Gaelic is the native language of the population of the Isle of Man. Nowadays it’s spoken by 2% as the second language. Иностранные языки: многоязычие Multilingualism is quite common in the modern world. But in the past it was also widespread. It was necessary to speak more than one native language for merchants and travelers. Such things as globalization and immigration have made a society a mixture of cultures and nations. Today those people who speak more than one language outnumber monolingual speakers in the world’s population. A person who uses two languages is a bilingual, if there are three of them – the term “trilingual” is used. A person who knows several languages is called a polyglot. For instance, an English writer and poet John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, best known for “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”, was a university professor, a philologist and spoke 13 languages.
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