Erich Weinert Ensemble - Das Recht Des Friedens (FULL ALBUM, 1985, GDR , Military)
Something extremely different to what I usually upload here at Radio Avtomat. From East Germany we have Erich Weinert Ensemble’s 1985 album “Das Recht Des Friedens“ (The Right for Peace)
The Erich Weinert Ensemble was a professional musical ensemble of East Germany’s Nationale Volksarmee (National People’s Army), akin to a mini German Red Army Choir. In total included choir, ballet, an entire orchestra, cabaret, soloists, conductors and technical staff. It was even officially seen on soldiers’ uniforms.
Pretty much the origin of most East German Military Music, the EWE lasted from 1950 (originally set up by the Barracked Police) to 1989, being transferred to the Bundeswehr with the collapse of the NVA and GDR, spun off in 1991 and lasted until 1994.
EWE’s name comes from Erich Weinert, a German communist writer. As well as creating psychological propaganda to the Wehrmacht invading the soviet union, he served as vice-president of the Central Administration for National Education in the soviet occupied zone, he died in 1953. He definitely got about a lot.
In the never-lasting piles of traditional German choir singing, there’s a few pop and rock songs in this one believe it or not! Look out for Das Recht Des Friedens, Hätt Ich Vier Hände, Lied Von Der Papyrossi and Im Wunderschonen Monat Mai!
0:00 - Feuer-Licht-Kraft
3:53 - Hätt Ich Vier Hände
7:17 Im Wunderschönen Monat Mai
10:06 Nach dem Siegesmai Geboren
13:27 Lied Von Der Papyrossi
16:17 Das Recht Des Friedens
25:30 Marsch Der Nationalen Volksarmee
27:02 Im Januar Um Mitternacht
30:28 Salud
33:42 Tapfer Lacht Die Junge Garde
36:15 Eine Rote Fahne
39:06 Jung Sind Die Linden
41:20 Lied Der Wachposten
44:53 Wie Thälmann Kampfentschlossen
47:06 Lied Der Waffenbrüderschaft
Radio Avtomat is a channel dedicated to obscure and little known music, mainly originating in Eastern Europe and Asia. If you own the song/own the copyright rights to this song and would like the video removed please contact as soon as possible.
1 view
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