Hemi-Sync Meditation- Remote Viewing-The Gateway Experience-MBSR Music

Hemi-Sync Meditation- Remote Viewing-The Gateway Experience-MBSR Music Your brain constantly produces bursts of electrical activity. In fact, that’s how groups of neurons in your brain communicate with each other. When your brain produces these electrical pulses, that’s what’s known as brain wave activity. As we age, theta waves become less dominant and are replaced by alpha and beta waves. However, theta waves are still dominant in adults during moments of creativity, daydreaming, or when we are in a state of deep relaxation. For the left ear 18 HZ and for the right ear 18,25 Hz pure tone. And second part 6 Hz for the left ear and 6,25 Hz for the right ear. Theta brainwaves are associated with dreaming, creativity, and intuitive insights and have been linked to several mood states, including the flow state, which is characterized by feeling fully immersed in an activity where everything else seems to fall away from conscious thought. The Gateway Experience is a 1983 report about using a series of exercises to produce states of expanded human consciousness such as astral projection, outer body experiments, and other altered states of mind. Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance. If you’d like, go check out my channel and give me a feedback. If you like what you see subscribe to get new video updates! If you what to share your experience or you have any other suggestions and ideas, please comment below! Do the things you love the most, follow your heart, your passions, and your dreams! Enjoy the music! Music and video licensed to Quantum Era Gate Music License Certificate Video License Photo : license Thanks for watching! If you love it, PlLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE: Follow Quantum Era Gate on Social Media here: The use of headphones is recommended: When using headphones (earphones) you will enjoy rich, balanced and full sound quality. Without them the effect of the waves dissolves in the space of the room and cannot directly affect the body. Subject related to: #quantumeragate, #hemisync , #brainwaves,
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