Amazing Kimono Style 👘 Coming of Age Day in Japan 🎎 Kyoto, Heian Palace

#kimono #kimonostyle #kyoto Playlist 「成人式✨Coming of Age Day」 ↓  Coming of Age Day is a national holiday in Japan held annually on the second Monday of January.  It is a celebration for those who turn 20 between April 2 of the previous year and April 1 of the current year.  On this day you can see on the streets of Japan many young japanese wearing traditional kimono.  Almost all girls appear in a long-sleeved colorful kimono “furisode”, but you can spot only a few boys in traditional wear.  Kimono goes with a special makeup and hair style. Some families pass traditional kimonos from generation to generation, but now in most cases kimono for special celebrations are rented.  The rental price is usually between 100000 and 300000 yen (1000-3000$).
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