Farewell, Satoshi Kon (Otakon 2011 AMV Contest: Romance/Sentimental Runner Up)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the following Satoshi Kon films: Memories, Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue, Paprika, or Tokyo Godfathers, I also do not own the song A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton. This is purely a fan production under fair use meant to serve as a tribute to the original work. Please support the original artists by purchasing any of the films of Satoshi Kon on DVD and/or the song A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton on CD. DOWNLOAD LINK HERE: WINNER: 2nd Place Romance/Sentimental Otakon 2011 AMV Contest ENTERED FINALIST (non-winner): AnimeUSA 2011 AMV Contest ENTERED (non-finalist): Nekocon 2011 AMV Contest For those who don’t know, Anime directing legend Satoshi Kon passed away last year of pancreatic cancer. He was diagnosed with only a few months to live, and the illness progressed very rapidly. He chose to tell very few people, so the news came shockingly and suddenly to just about everyone
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