If you want to live, surrender to Russian servicemen

If you want to live, surrender to Russian servicemen Each POW has a different history, everyone had different levels of training and supply. AFU serviceman Aleksandr Matlai underwent drills under the guidance of a UK instructor and was trained for three months in the forest. POW Demid Netrevozhko, a gunner from the Bratstvo neo-Nazi formation, underwent combat training at the training ground and studied tactics and medicine. Andrei Kozhoma was pulled out of the Territorial Defence unit and he was poorly trained: ’I fired 15 shots during the training. We got nothing more,’ he said. However, all prisoners had one thing in common - they did not resist the power of Russian weapons. They were fortunate to be by the Russian Armed Forces and to save their lives.  Russian Defence Ministry Source: MoD Russia
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