Угроза для AMD, ценой в $184: обзор и тесты Intel i5-11400 (сравнение с R5 3600, 5600X, 11600K)

Intel’s new i5-11400 CPU is one of the best-positioned potential rivals to AMD’s long-standing $200 dominance -- except this time, AMD doesn’t have anything new in that range. Sponsor: Buy Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut paste on Amazon () or Hydronaut paste for water cooling (Amazon - ) Watch our Intel i5-11600K CPU Review & Benchmarks: And our Intel i9-11900K CPU review: The Intel i5-11400, at time of writing, is actually in stock. Maybe Intel is onto something here: Launch a product with inventory and it becomes the de facto winner. In this benchmark and review of the Intel Core i5-11400 CPU, we’ll be testing the i5-11400 vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600, R5 5600X, the R7 2700, and of course will include the i5-11400 vs. 11600K and some other CPUs. AMD hasn’t yet released an AMD R5 5600 non-X (or similar CPU) in the $200 price range, leaving
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