YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS‼️ Our Sun doing some strange stuff… Earthquake WARNING Is in effect as we have left occultation and close approach to Mars. Deep earthquake in Tonga Region spells a larger shallower earthquake to follow in the next 24-36 hours… NEW Volcano Lascar In Chile awakens. Sun has fired multiple Solar Flares over the past hours, also had quite a STRANGE plasma filament leave the surface. #solarflare #earthquakes #worldweather #spaceweather #sun #volcanoes #lascar 5 Day not so normal World Weather forecast. Plus a look at #spaceweather for today. Earthquakes for today. Latest on Volcanic Activity. Daily Events Worldwide Monitoring World Weather, Space Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes and all Natural Disasters. Keeping Humanity Aware and Prepared to OUR Ever-changing Planet. We are truly living in some Exciting and sometimes scary times but Fear NOT! The Cycles occurring on our Planet need to be documented for future generations. With daily
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