Английский язык 11 класс (Урок№39 - Toxic Tones.)

Английский язык 11 класс Урок№39 - Toxic Tones. Узнаем, научимся, сможем We’ll discuss the ecological problem of noise pollution in the world ocean We’ll know what animals are in danger and how noise pollution influence them We’ll learn how to solve the problem. We’ll use the new words in your own speech. Too much noise can be deadly for some marine animals. In the last one hundred years people have flooded the oceans with noise from offshore oil drilling and use of explosives which have a drastic effect on animals. As a result sea creatures can’t hear or communicate in a proper way. A hearing bubble of whales has been reduced from 1000 to 100 miles, making it harder to locate a mate. The sound blasts of sonars are so intense that they cause bleeding of the eyes, ears and organs of whales and dolphins. Some of them even become stranded. The environmentalists campaign for ships and oil companies to move away from the areas where there are a lot of animals. Подводный мир: кас
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