Hot Water Music - Trusty Chords

Artist : Hot Water Music Song : Trusty Chords Album : Caution (2002) “You’ll get it right sometime. You will.“ I tell myself that everyday. “You don’t need to latch on to anything. You’ll just end up back here In your little limbo scene.“ It’s repetitious and exhausting. I might need some therapy; Anything to keep me in check through the day. Don’t think about your lover. You’re already steady shaking.“ I might need a sedative, But I hate the taste of medicine. “You just need to let her go.“ These pills shaking in my hand Just make me feel defeated, Like I’m not able to just let her go away. I hate this place but I love these chords. “An empty fate just means an even score.“ And the pain this morning... It filled my head. It’s Jameson. It means that I’m not dead. And I just can’t seem to get away There&
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