Desperate companies lower bar to replace vanishing workers (Full show)

Tens of thousands of medical workers at Kaiser Permanente are striking for a one percent raise. Instead of meeting their demands, the company is hiring ununionized workers, or “scabs.“ RT America’s Faran Fronczak explains how the “two tier pay“ cherished by so many US companies gaslights unionized workers into accepting pay cuts and hardship while the managerial class rakes in more money than ever before at levels scarcely imaginable to ordinary working people, whose wages have not kept pace with rising inflation and living expenses. Could there be a dimension of triumph in the “quit your job“ craze? Big US companies are going to disturbing lengths to replenish the country’s workforce. On-the-spot job offers are becoming more common and employers are easing qualifying standards. Education requirements, background checks, and lengthy interview processes are all on the chopping block. This comes at a time of record household debt and lingering supply-chain issues. K
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