THIS IS WAR: Fourth Reich Australia - FORCED INTO CAMPS, Resistors Rounded Up, We Are Next

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of many around the area of Darwin (which has had a smart grid for years) being forced into quarantine camps. Many of the people forced into the camps at Howard Springs in the Northern Territories are indigenous. This came about following a few small examples of “cases“ which obviously cannot be substantiated by any tests. Under the guise of “safety,“ many are being forced by the military into massive Chinese style camps, restricted basic freedoms. This also includes people who’ve had some sort of contact in recent weeks with someone who was force tested and came up “positive.“ This is an extremely dangerous escalation that we’ve all been warning about for a long time. Well, here it is. It’s happening. Will anyone do anything about it? It’s clearly coming to a place near you soon. Don’t wait to fight until it’s too late. source:
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