Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore on pushing the climate agenda:

️ Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore on pushing the climate agenda: Now they’re getting into agriculture and threatening to cut off food supplies because food causes global warming. Only billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and all the other people will die because there won’t be enough food. This is where we are headed if we keep listening to these people. They are about to commit one of the most evil acts in the history of human civilization that will lead to poverty and starvation. They are going to have to kill all animals, including ourselves, because we emit CO2. They will cause devastation the likes of which the earth has never seen. There are over 8 billion of us already, and 4 billion of us depend on nitrogen fertilizer, which they are now calling harmful because it’s a greenhouse gas or something. It’s not really a greenhouse gas, but they have some story about how nitrogen in the form of nitrous oxide will make the earth heat up to an unacceptable degree. It’s all completely bogus, just like the anti-CO2 campaign is completely bogus. InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Источник: InfoDefenseENGLISH
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