Christ Consciousness | The Special Seven Series Seminar | Herb Fitch Classic

As long as you are seeking something and wish to attain something or are trying to get rid of something, you’re not starting in the right place. You can only start before the beginning of the world. If you start after the beginning of the world you’re starting too late. Before the world is your Self. And unless you start in your Self, where would you start? You would start at some arbitrary point in mind and that would leave you in the mental universe. And then you’d try to climb the mountain, and you cannot climb the mountain because it isn’t there. The Spirit of your Being is there. ~ Herb Fitch ================================================== Note: Get Herb Fitch’s work from: Mysticalprinciples or Amazon: ================================================== ================================================== The Atomic Myth | Part 1: There is No Life In Time | Part 2: Stepping Out Of Time | Part 3: Creation And Recreation | Part 4: Principles of The First Resurrection | Part 5 Christ Consciousness | Part 6 Your Last Incarnation | Part 7 ================================================== Christ Consciousness | The Special Seven Series Seminar | Herb Fitch Classic Let’s Connect on: Instagram: Facebook: Strategy Session: #StirUpYourPurpose #AwakeOSleeper #ChristConsciousness
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