Butt and Core Challenge 5

Read Below :) Alright! Here is your week 5 challenge plan. Remember add or scratch exercises according to your own level of what you can handle. Day 1 - week 4 once to warm up, week 5 routine once Day 2 - week 4 once to warm up, week 5 routine twice Day 3 - week 4 once to warm up, week 5 routine twice Day 4 - break Day 5 - week 4 once to warm up, week 5 routine three times Day 6 - week 4 once to warm up, week 5 routine three times Here are the exercises in case you forget and don’t want to go through the entire video again ;) 1- legs lifts with turnout leaning forwards holding onto something... 10 each side 2- leg lifts same position with NO turnout... 10 each side 3- leg lifts to the side standing up straight... 10 each side 4- leg lift behind then a leg lift front with a standing crunch... 10 each side 5- standing crunches opposite knee to elbow... 20 (10 each way) Don’t forget to gently stretch!!!
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