Designer and Client

Here’s a ’Designer and Client’ series in one video with sound design by my good friend Ambrose. These are based on some of my experience throughout my freelance life in New York. Please, don’t take this seriously. I tend to have great relationships with all my clients (I swear). ^^ 디자이너와 클라이언트 시리즈를 영상 하나로 만들고 사운드 디자인까지 해보았습니다. ^^ 그 동안 뉴욕에 프리랜서로 일하면서 겪은 일들을 떠올리며 만들었어요. 단, 재미로만 봐주세요 ㅋㅋ Animation by - DeeKay Kwon () Sound by - Ambrose Yu - ()
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