100% ORIGINAL MATERIAL, This mock exam is recommended for those who want to solve more questions to pass the JLPT N4 2020. 0:00 タイトル 0:07 もんだい 1 9:44 もんだい2 19:12 もんだい3 22:36 もんだい4 27:34 終わりに ------ About this channel This channel offers videos to help you pass the JLPT. N5 for beginners of Japanese N3 and N4 for intermediate Japanese N1 or N2 for advanced Japanese speakers I am currently running two companies in Japan. Therefore, as a person who employs foreigners, I understand that it is very important for foreigners to pass the JLPT. If you have time, please take lessons on this channel and pass the JLPT. I sincerely hope that everyone who uses this channel will pass the test. ----------------------- こんかいの もんだいは むずかしく つくりました。 ほんとうの N4 ちょうかい(Listening Section) の テストでは  もんだい1 から 8もん もんだい2 から 7もん もんだい3 から 5もん もんだい4 から 8もん もんだい が でます。 すべて ただしい こたえを えらぶと 60てん です。 ごうかくに さいてい ひつような
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