Red Indians (1952)

Red Indians set up camp in England to perform at Billy Smart’s Circus, Windsor in Berkshire. M/S Red Indian on horseback looking. L/S Wigwams. M/S Indian on horse looking, moves off. M/S Indian riding towards wigwams. L/S Approaching wigwams. M/S Approaching wigwam, raises hand in salute. C/U Indian, Buffalo Head, in wigwam doorway salutes back. C/U Indian dismounting. L/S Dismounting and walking towards wigwam. M/S Indians making up wigwam. M/S One Indian climbing ladder and being handed sticks to close material. C/U and M/S Putting sticks through wigwam. M/S Daughter “Blue Berries“ stirring pot of food. C/U Squaw pan down to pot of food. C/U Indian boy “Rabbit Tail“ whittling piece of wood. C/U Indians finish pegging wigwam and enter. M/S Inside wigwam Indians straightening poles. M/S Indians coming out of wigwam and going separate ways, camera follows White Eagle who takes wood to make bow. C/U Stringing bow. C/U “Blue Mountain“ making snow shoes (2 shots). C/U Indian papoose “Seven Stars“. M/S
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