Time to Get Off the Titanic

The U.S. financial system is like the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. All the promises that the system is sound mean nothing, as the ship heads toward the bottom of the ocean. LaRouche’s forecasts over the last 50 years have proven to be uniquely accurate. It is long overdue that we dump neoliberal economics, with its phony “left-versus-right, liberal-versus-conservative“ profiles -- neither of which defines the real dynamic of economic processes -- and turn to his principles of physical economy. Link to the Weekly Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Link to LaRouche’s December 2000 article, “The Demise of the Importer of Last Resort“: () Link to Schiller Institute conference registration: ✅Become a member of the LaRouche Organization ➜ ✅ Sign up for our EIR DAILY ALERT newsletter for two months delivered right to your inbox. ➜ 💥 Follow us on: YouTube ➜ @LaRoucheOrganization Twitter ➜ Facebook➜ 📖 Read the Collected Works of Lyndon LaRouche 👉🏻 🚀Donate to the LaRouche Organization ➡ 🚀
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