30 US AH-64 Apache arrive in Germany and begin entering ukraine border

US Military Delivers 30 AH-64 Apaches to Ukraine and Enters Poland A very popular helicopter model, the AH-64 Apache is not designed to travel long distances independently. 30 AH-64 Apache helicopters are transported by military transport ships, and usually also by cargo aircraft, such as the C-17 Globemaster or C-5 Galaxy, which can carry the helicopter in air cargo. When the AH-64 Apache arrives in Germany, it will be disassembled from the military transport ship and reassembled by a crew of engineers. During this process, technicians will check all of the helicopter’s systems and ensure that they are functioning properly after the trip. Apaches are typically used to carry out air surveillance, fire support, and attacks on enemy targets. The helicopter has highly advanced capabilities and can be equipped with a variety of weapons and electronic systems, including Hellfire missiles and a 30mm cannon. When it arrives in Germany, the AH-64 Apache helicopters will become part of the NAT
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