Defeats of My Favorite Cartoon Villains Part 5 (Re-Upload)

Villains Quotes: “You destroyed my soul, Hunter... now I shall harvest yours!“ -Angor Rot “The world wasn’t always like this, it used to be like this. And he wasn’t always like this, he used to be like this! And I wasn’t cowering in the darkness like this, I used to be like this!“ -Night Master “I may be the source of all darkness, but you are your own worst enemies.“ -Trigon “The worst thing is when people ask villainy advice. You know. How do I steal this? How do I utterly destroy that? Hey, hey! I’m off duty, pal!“ -Psy-Crow “Auradon will be mine!“ -Zevon “Give her to me! Give her to me! She’s mine! She’s all mine!“ -World “The era of bending is over! A new era of equality has begun!“ -Amon “You speak my name, but you do not know me! I am Ch’rell, Oroku Saki, Duke Acureds, the one, true Shredder! I am a destroyer of worlds
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