REPLAY: Energy Protests in Lubmin, Germany

Lubmin als Demonstranten demonstrieren gegen die Energiepolitik Live from Lubmin on Sunday, September 25, as people take to the streets to protest against current energy policies, skyrocketing prices, and inflation. Protesters demand the immediate opening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The Nord Stream 2 project, a second pipeline pumping gas from Russia to Germany, was unilaterally suspended by Berlin in February following the conflict in Ukraine. Nord Stream 1 is currently closed after Gazprom said it had found an oil leak following issues with the turbines. Germany and the EU have accused Moscow of energy ’blackmail’, while the Kremlin says Western sanctions are to blame for hampering routine maintenance work. Source - Ruptly ZLN - one dude who streams news Website: Discord: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: S
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