Chinese LASER Space Weapon Shocked The World!

Chinese LASER Space Weapon Shocked The World! A 2022 US Defense Intelligence Agency report recently concluded that China is already in possession of ground-based laser systems with wildly varying degrees of power, some able to strike targets over 60 miles away in orbit. Up to four different sites where these weapons reside have now been located — and some of the discovered weapons were recently caught in the act, red-handed, attacking the US. Satellite imagery caught a pattern of two anti-satellite laser weapons in the Korla East Test Site, Xinjiang, China, being unusually active when foreign satellites were overhead, including many American satellites, from less known commercial satellites all the way to Starlink satellites and possibly satellites belonging to the military. This act would back up the only a few weeks-old American government’s suspicions of China’s focus on developing technology to disrupt, destroy or hijack foreign satellites to make them, simply put, useless. The US is already making preparations to counter all of these with the largest defense budget in history — $842 billion, while China continues to rebel against the US by placing its laser weapons on satellites.
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