Iruna Online - 4 Bishops vs Almas #BishopFunTimes

Dun dun dun.. 4 bishops taking down Almas! (╯◕ั ∀ ◕ั )╯*:・゚✧ ...(although some of us died in the process, huhuhu). My role was to support my party members so my POV for this video would probably be a little boring, but as usual, I sped up my video to keep things quick! Even after multiple tries, we couldn’t kill Almas without one of us dying.... ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ However, one day I’m certain we will be able to take him down without sacrificing any of us! One day, old man, one day. (੭ ಥ ㅂಥ)੭ु Visit my fellow bish
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