Heal Hitler | GamePlay PC

This game was created by one developer and two voice actors. It is a psychologist simulator taking place in 1925, before Hitler came to power. It is a game about resolving Hitler’s trauma and preventing catastrophe via therapy and psychology. The facts in the game are historically accurate. During the marketing period people accused the developer of being a “nazi apologist“. He is not. He is Czech, and Hitler murdered tens of thousands of his ancestors. This game is an experiment. You are using methods that were available back then. It is a conversational game and you can finish it in under an hour. In each therapy session you get 3-8 choices that influence the ending. Hitler was human too, just like you. If you distance yourself from him by dehumanizing him and calling him a monster, you are doing psychological damage to your Self. In order to develop your Shadow, you need to realize and admit that given the right life circumstances, you could become someone like Hitler too. You are both good and evil. And
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