It seems that Russian Aerospace Forces and Syrian Air Forces are determined eliminate Ansar al-Tawhid entirely

It seems that Russian Aerospace Forces and Syrian Air Forces are determined eliminate Ansar al-Tawhid entirely In response to targeting civilians in safe areas with missiles & drones, Russian & Syrian warplanes carried out dozens of airstrikes in the past 2 days, destroying several headquarters of Ansar al-Tawhid, Al-Nusra Front and Turkestan Islamic Party in Idlib and Latakia countrysides, The raids destroyed heavily fortified terrorist sites, with equipment, weapons and ammunition, amid reports of heavy casualties among terrorists. Since last night until now, warplanes carried out more than 20 devastating raids in the vicinity of (Al-Bara, Al-Fatira, Kansafra, Balshun, Joseph, Ehsim and Kafr Lata) in Idlib southern countryside, destroying at least 10 headquarters. Источник: Lord Of War
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