Beneath The Massacre - Live in Tokyo 12 June 2012 (2/3)

Saw these guys live last night, playing alongside Tech Death Legends Obscura. To be honest, I had never checked them out before, and I was at the gig for Obscura - or more importantly -Obscura’s drummer, Hannes Grossmann. However, I always make a point of filming as many of the bands as I can and so I recorded BTM as well. For those of you who do know about the band, you’ll already know what I didn’t know at that time... Beneath The Massacre is an awesome live band. They took the stage and literally tore the venue a new sphincter... bar after bar after bar of perfectly choreographed extreme metal excellence. I’m one of those guys who stands at gigs watching and taking notes - a “critic“ if you like, not a moshpit lunatic, and I’m pretty stern when it comes to new bands and unknown songs. I did not expect the band to impress me - I imagined a wall of noise and blast beats left right and center. And I was right, except for the fact that the timing, the fluidity and
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