Deep Paint - Addon for Blender - Grease Pencil Modeling and Paint

Very happy to release Deep Paint Blender Addon after a long time of development! Deep Paint Addon is the user friendly Blender tool set allows you to model and paint in 3D, using Grease Pencil to create stylized 3D illustrations. Please check the link if you are interested! 長きにわたって開発してきたDeepPaintのBlenderアドオンのリリースです! グリースペンシルを使って手描き風の立体絵画の作成が可能になります。ご興味がある方はリンクより是非! document is here #b3d #greasepencil #DeepPaint #立体絵画 Beautiful music made by Jiro for me! Thank you so much!!
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