Clint Eastwood is finally avenging his family The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976

Storyline, Upon trapping his target, Wales discharges his four guns without ammunition into all the unfilled chambers before returning them to their holsters. As Terrill unsheathes his cavalry saber, Wales seizes his hand and, after a protracted battle, impels the blade into Terrill’s chest, thereby exacting retribution for his family. info, The one who is outside the bounds of the law. Josey Wales is a 1976 American Western film that takes place during and after the American Civil War and is known for its revisionist user’s text is enclosed in tags. Clint Eastwood, who also played the lead role of Josey Wales in the movie, directed it. The cast included Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke, Bill McKinney, and John Vernon. The film narrates the tale of Josey Wales, a farmer from Missouri, whose family was brutally killed by Union militia during the Civil War. Wales joins a Confederate guerrilla group out of a desire for vengeance, and he develops a reputation as a feared gunslinger
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