Trump’s Biggest Failure

Well... this took longer than expected. I am sorry you had to wait so long for me to finish this video, I had some reading to do, then write the video, record the audio, and then the editing itself, which took a month and two weeks. But then again, you voted for this video. As I described it when I put it up to be voted on, I believe Trump’s single biggest failure as a president is his handling of China and the way his ineffective and lack-luster foreign policy allowed for a communist dictatorship to rise and build a superpower within a block of unfree states that can even rival the United States and has by now even found ways to influence the politics of democratic nations. I would like to underline one thing though. I despise the “orange man bad!“ “Dump Drumpf“ political culture developing in the United States, in which even Trump’s opposition just constantly meanders about pointless and meaningless things rather than actually criticize the president’s stupid policies. With that in mind, videos I will be
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