Linux Commands - Red Hat | Ubuntu | Copying Files from One Server to Another Server | ssh, scp
Linux Commands - Red Hat | Ubuntu | Copying Files from One Server to Another Server | ssh, scp
#linuxtutorials #linuxcommands #devops
redhat/suse/fedora/centos --- rpm -- .rpm
ubuntu --- dpkg --- .dpkg
rpm -ivh -- install
rpm -qa -- list all the packages
rpm - e chef -- remove
dpkg -i -- install
dpkg -l -- list
dpkg -r chef -- remove
man pages -- to check the usage of a command
man ls --
rpm --help --- to check syntax
wget url -- downloads the package to linux machine
1 ) download to windows
copy it linux
winscp -- too copy
2 ) directly download to linux -wget
linux machine1 linux machine2
log file
rpm file
ftp - file transfer protocol
scp -- secure copy protocol
server1 server2
/a /b
server1 scp/a/ root@server2:/b --? copies /a/ from server1 to server2 to /b
server1 server2
/a /
2) scp root@server2:/b/ /a -- copies /b/ from server2 to server1
ifonfig -- to list the ipaddress
ipconfig -- windows
scp /b/ :/
1) /etc/ssh/sshd_config
permitrootlogin yes
service ssh restart -- restart ssh
password -- to set a password
useradd -d /home/user1 -s “/bin/sh“ -c “comment“ -m -- to create user cat /etc/password
su - root@server2
su - user --
ssh -l user1 ip/hostname --
base -- ubuntu/xenial64
vagrant up --
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
redhat package manager
home directory
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