Pentagram First Daze Here (The Vintage Collection 71 -76)[Full Album]

I do not own the copyright to this recording so if it needs to be removed, I will remove it. If you like this album please buy it for the full experience All Rights belongs to “The Orchard Music “ No. Title Music Length 1. “Forever My Queen“ Bobby Liebling 00:00 2. “When the Screams Come“ Liebling 02:24 3. “Walk in the Blue Light“ Liebling 05:24: 4. “Starlady“ (Recorded September 4, 13 and 23, 1976 at Underground Studio) Liebling, Randy Palmer 11:00 5. “Lazylady“ (Recorded July 6, 1972 at The Fireplace) Liebling, Geof O’Keefe 16:15 6. “Review Your Choices“ Liebling 20:03 7. “Hurricane“ (Recorded June 13, 1973 at Bias Recording Studios) Liebling 23:01 8. “Livin’ in a Ram’s Head“ (Recorded live June 5 and 14, 1974 at National Sound Warehouse) Liebling xxxxx copyright issues 9. “Earth Flight“ (Recorded live June 5 and 14, 1974 at National Sound Warehouse) Liebling, Greg Mayne 25:06 10. “20 Buck Spin“ Liebling 27:57 11. “be Forewarned“ (Recorded July 6, 1972 at The Fireplace; on
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