Лидия Полянская_Психолог ресурсных состоянийtan video

If you have been asking for things that don’t seem to be showing up Get a much larger ask Because in order to actualize you have to be enthused about it Enthusiasm is where your creative mojo actualizes your requests Universes upon within around through Playing with other levels of universes What is it you be that is so beyond anything? Truly a Universe of possibility Rather than withdrawing when you’re right at that space to leap… What about leaping even greater? How many times have you had an awareness energetically and you try to put it to words and it seems like you lost it? It doesn’t matter what it looks like Just leap And be so energetic that the world has to catch up to your non-verbal reality Relax in all of life Let the universe be the guide Let the Universe run the show Let the universe gift you What if you asked for your whole world to be that infinite simultaneity of gifting and receiving? And play... Beyond anything. Ask for this lightness and space And everything else as your living It never looks the way you think it’s going to Find more tools you can use to create a more conscious life by subscribing to this channel! For more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website: I share free tools and tips almost every day on my social accounts: Instagram: Facebook: My target is to change the world with consciousness – are you with me? If you see something that inspires you, I’d love for you to give it wings by liking or sharing it – this helps make my content more visible and introduces new people to tools that could change their lives. Grateful for you! Dain
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