Palestinian children spoke on TV about how the abandoned their homes in Gaza under the pressure of the Israeli ethnic cleansin

◾ Palestinian children spoke on TV about how the abandoned their homes in Gaza under the pressure of the Israeli ethnic cleansing campaign: - They told us at first to hold up a white banner and our ID. We said we don’t want to, and we refused to walk with our hands up too. So they told us “alright then, walk, and if any of you get shot don’t turn around”. My uncle and his father were walking, and they shot his father for bending to pick something up. - When we arrived, we saw rotting corpses lying around with flies and worms on them. And after all you’ve seen, do you think we’ll ever give up Palestine? - By God, no! No matter who tells us to! No matter how much they bomb! No matter how many areas they bomb! For the sake of Al-Quds (Jerusalem)! Everything for its sake! We won’t waiver, we’d live a million other wars. We prefer to live with dignity than in degradation. ◾Follow: Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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