You are in a is how to control it

#spirituality #simulation #manifestation You are in a is How to Control It Dive into the Mind-Bending Reality of Simulation Theory Have you ever considered the possibility that our reality might be a simulation? In this thought-provoking video, we explore the intriguing concept of simulation theory and how it might be more than just a science fiction trope. Key Features of the Video: A comprehensive introduction to simulation theory: its origins, key proponents, and basic principles. Insightful analysis of why many scientists and philosophers take this theory seriously. Practical discussions on the implications of living in a simulated reality: What does it mean for our daily lives? How does it affect our perception of consciousness and free will? Exciting exploration of ways we might be able to recognize and even manipulate aspects of this simulation, drawing on concepts from quantum physics, neuroscience, and computer science. This video is not just
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