【Multi Sub】渣男老公把小三肚子搞大了还带回家里,离婚后女人毅然决然嫁给疯子总裁!《离婚后疯批少爷爱我入骨》全集 #甜宠 #短剧

成为此频道的会员抢先观看完整版: #热播短剧 #shortdrama #chinesedrama #一口气看完 #灰姑娘 #总裁 宋氏千金宋语青在母亲去世后,由于父亲另娶新欢,在宋家备受冷落。许氏资金链断裂,继承人许庭深主动求娶宋语青,因为宋家曾经受过许老爷子的大恩,宋语青不得不嫁给许庭深还情。从小和宋语青一起长大的竹马许书辰得知情况连夜赶回国,阻止无果,便暗暗下定决心要抢回宋语青…… After the death of her mother, Song Yucheng, the daughter of the Song family, has been neglected by her father because he has married another woman. When the financial chain of the Xu family breaks, the heir Xu Ting Shen takes the initiative to marry Song Yuqing, who is forced to marry Xu Ting Shen to return the favor because the Song family has been greatly benefited by Mr. Xu’s old man. Xu Shuchen, a bamboo horse who grew up with Song Yucheng, learns of the situation and rushes back to China overnight to stop the situation, but to no avail, so he secretly resolves to snatch back Song Yucheng. ...... 正版授权,侵权必究
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