Wing Chun for Self Defense | Basic and Simple Lesson 9

Wing Chun for Self Defense | Basic and Simple Lesson 8 For a FREE Programme, Click Here: ​​​​​​​​ Have you ever felt like you’ve been a victim of bullying? You may even know someone who has been targeted but doesn’t have the confidence to do anything about it. WING CHUN INSTRUCTOR COURSE FOR MORE INFO: TAI CHI INSTRUCTOR COURSE FOR MORE INFO: ✅ Master Wong T-Shirt click here ► ​ The world often portrays life as being dominated by those who have superior “power”. What if there was a way to obtain ultimate confidence, reliable self-defense, and mastery of your true self? Many people who train, or those who may not train as much, have a misconception of what true strength is. There are many different systems of combat, self-defense, and martial arts that may not emphasize the concept of yin and yang, soft and hard or empty and full. Wing Chun, is one of the few arts
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