SOTT Earth Changes Summary - April 2021: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

A sudden pressure difference between Greenland and northern Europe triggered a massive Arctic cold blast that plunged temperatures to historical records throughout Europe. The extreme cold arrived less than a week after a local record-warm period at the final days of March. The thermometers in Capanna Margherita, Italy plunged to -33,2°C, while Novi Vasi, Slovenia registered an all-time national record of -20°C. The UK was also hit by a new national April cold record with -6°C, just a few days after an all-time record for March of -15,4°C in Eskdalemuir. And while we are there, the Alps also reported the coldest April outbreak in history. Very low temperatures with record-breaking cold and damaging frost were also reported in parts of France, Germany, and Croatia. A cold blast from the Arctic Ocean pushed Alaska into a deep freeze breaking two records for snowfall and low temperatures in two consecutive days. The historic storm ranked among the most intense snowfalls since records started. The snow cover r
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