BZ Utopia | Gigi Torres - Get Dark

студія танцю “Dance Mafia“|студия танца “Dance Mafia“| Dance studio “Dance Mafia“ Filmed in the Passion room of Boogiezone Utopia - Laboratory for the Creative Arts Choreography: Gigi Torres Videography Editing: Isaiah Masters Special thanks to Boogiezone Utopia - Laboratory for the Creative Arts Torrance, Ca About Boogiezone Utopia The Boogiezone Utopia - Laboratory for the Creative Arts is truly a creative artists’ dream and a hungry students’ paradise. A social hotspot, where one can engage on a multitude of levels; fine tune their skills, gain inspiration, brainstorm ideas, and share their love and passion for all things creative. This takes place all within the confines of a building whose interior design and space will promote the same sort of energy it houses. DEFINITION OF UTOPIA U· to· pi· a [yoo-toh-pee-uh] 1. an ideal place or state. 2. any visi
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